Sunday, August 12, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: Thanks again for the time, and

much success to you book.

ADRIAN: Thank you very much for

taken notice of my book and providing

me with an outlet to give a little

insight into myself and company. The

people can check me out at versatilepublications.

com and get up on more

insight and advice and encouragement

on my blog From the Block to

the Boardroom.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: What advice do you have for anyone

whowants to follow in your


Adrian: My aim is to entertain, educate,

promote creative expression,

and evoke analytical thinking so I'm

all about encouraging others to pursue

their talents. First you must believe

in yourself then make that commitment

to achieve your goals. After

that be ready for the negativity and

discouragement that is sure to come

but use that as fuel because it can be

a lengthy travel. Let nothing or no

one (including yourself) end your

dream but be prepared going into

whatever your endeavor is as you will

be better conditioned to deal with the

impending unexpected obstacles

lurking in wait. Stay active with practicing

your talent but thoroughly research

the business aspect, then

compare it with your company or the

company you are putting blind faith

into as you may see ahead of time

that your talent may not be promoted

and endorsed as you thought. I get

encouragement from encouragement

so surround yourself with people who

believe in you but will be real with

you. I'm really fortunate to have had

someone believe in me overlooking

my prison record and other limitations

that made daily life in main

stream society arduous just to get a

job so pursuing a business was a

forgotten dream. There are many

good people willing to help you because

they'd rather help you to help

your family then pay for incarcerating

you and supporting your family and

these kids need productive involved

fathers so come home and stay

home. It's going to be hard but so is

that damn cot you spent years on

vowing not to go back to.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: Are you working on a new


ADRIAN: That would be my problemalthough

not a bad one as I have too

many books that I'm working on. I

record my thoughts and get them on

paper and scenarios will randomly

come for unrelated books so I jot

them down till they accumulate to a

point where I can visualize the story

but the publisher in me dictates that if

I'm beginning in the urban genre to

direct that time in that direction. Corrupt

Injustice is four parts and are

going from manuscript form to book

and part two Hell in the Streets may

be released early next year as wee

as part three Slightly Business Mostly

Personal. I will alternately release My

Squad Up series. The first in the line

is Squad Up: Takeover is Imminent,

followed by The Evils That Men Do,

and Big Money Heavy Weight! I go to

the people research what they want

to hear and see ina book and not

surprisingly the males in my target

market wants to capture the real

street life and all the obstacles in the

pursuit of success as WE see it. I

gave them what they wanted to the

max so the Squad Up series is explosive

to say the least. The ladies enjoy

my erotic scenes and have demanded

more-go figure. So that

genre is up next and what I'm attempting

to solely focus on writing.

I'm flexing my versatility in this genre

as I'm simultaneously crafting two

related books which will be released


I don't write for anyone particular

makeup of people so the characters

will be a dramatic shift from my urban

series yet the narration and colorful

depiction of capturing it from a urban

perspective remains constant.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: If you could have one wish instantly

granted, what would that be


ADRIAN: I'm really into nature so I'd

wish to be able to get away from everything

and just be an author and

write in a serene environment like the

Alaskan wilderness, or travel to various

countries to assimilate myself

amongst the people so I could become

well versed in their culture to

depict it authentically.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: What is your favorite book?

ADRIAN: I'd say I have more of a favorite

genre as opposed to a particular

book. History is my thing. I find it

worthwhile, educational and highly

intriguing. We as civilization are at

the forefront of human existence but

the road here is plagued in violence

and corruption. The watered down

version given out in school fails to do

the truth much justice. I have an inquisitive

and analytical mind so when

I read up on plagues, disasters, war,

slavery, etc, I immerse myself into

that moment in time and can see it

playing out. Fortunately I can capture

that and convey it to others. For example

cocaine and alcohol have

been prevalent and consumed since

the founding of this country, and it

damn sure as hell wasn't the slaves

or poor whites. The Boston Tea Party

was retaliation by good 01Thomas

Jefferson and his boys for their bootlegging

operation being raided so

they raided the King's ship then went

on to rebel and take the country;

which in today's time would be considered

a terrorist act and put down

by this country which ironically was

founded in similar nature. My mind

can see them plotting it out, dressing

in Native garbs and the thrill and excitement

of the execution of the plan

as well as the chorus rowdy celebration

I'm sure ensued upon carrying

out what became a historical caper.

I'm going to do a lot with this genre

as I desire to not only entertain but

educate so with my ability to capture

a moment and paint a vivid picture,

I'm going to reeducate the masses

especially the youth, so the aim is

that if I give them what they want

they will follow as the urban perspective

will transcend genres and promote

diversity in reading.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: What is the impact of your success

to people of your community?

ADRIAN: The reception has been supportive

and encouraging as the

Rochester community is filled with

talented people waiting to be discovered.

Being that I took my situation

fully into my own hands has been a

source of motivation for others. The

message resonated to stop hoping

and waiting to be discovered and go

introduce and make yourself known.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: What is your earliest childhood


Adrian: I can vividly remember moving

GA in 1986 at age six and seeing

snow for the 1
st time. Also that's

when I first met my three older cousins

who made life intriguing. If they

weren't making fun of my accent they

were using me to experiment into

new trades such as barber (with disastrous

results) or were honing the

newest move from the latest kung-fu

flick gauging its effectiveness by how

fast us younger kids ran and told and

if we referred to it as a karate move

or just more random relentless assault.

The grown-ups would get them

then they would really work us over

so I learned at an early age to not go

telling other people's business as it

could prove harmful to you, while at

the same time to man up and handle

my own.