Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Excerpt from Black Book News African American Book Reviews Featured Author Of The Month


BBN: What is your favorite book?

ADRIAN: I'd say I have more of a favorite

genre as opposed to a particular

book. History is my thing. I find it

worthwhile, educational and highly

intriguing. We as civilization are at

the forefront of human existence but

the road here is plagued in violence

and corruption. The watered down

version given out in school fails to do

the truth much justice. I have an inquisitive

and analytical mind so when

I read up on plagues, disasters, war,

slavery, etc, I immerse myself into

that moment in time and can see it

playing out. Fortunately I can capture

that and convey it to others. For example

cocaine and alcohol have

been prevalent and consumed since

the founding of this country, and it

damn sure as hell wasn't the slaves

or poor whites. The Boston Tea Party

was retaliation by good 01Thomas

Jefferson and his boys for their bootlegging

operation being raided so

they raided the King's ship then went

on to rebel and take the country;

which in today's time would be considered

a terrorist act and put down

by this country which ironically was

founded in similar nature. My mind

can see them plotting it out, dressing

in Native garbs and the thrill and excitement

of the execution of the plan

as well as the chorus rowdy celebration

I'm sure ensued upon carrying

out what became a historical caper.

I'm going to do a lot with this genre

as I desire to not only entertain but

educate so with my ability to capture

a moment and paint a vivid picture,

I'm going to reeducate the masses

especially the youth, so the aim is

that if I give them what they want

they will follow as the urban perspective

will transcend genres and promote

diversity in reading.

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